ISSUE FOUR: Sell A Mystery | next poem →

[16901 - 17000]

Peter J. Greico

In Transylvania, Thetis & her
enigmatic paramour radiate
affably after croquet, her cogent
psychologist dutifully quiescent.
Well-fed operatives dote while her cronies
blindfold him with a visor emblazoned
with amethyst. Purposeless oddity,
a leaky tankard—all marmalade &
self-defense, until the debut! Thunderbolts
encircle a convocation of tickling,
sullied for its whitewash of non-existent
rancor & uproarious tarts who patronize
a formulae for sirup & paraffin—
apotheosis hankering to embellish.

Peter J. Greico is a poet, musician, and educator living in Buffalo, NY, his native city. For more information about his "At the Musarium" series of poems which draw on word frequency lists see

ISSUE FOUR: Sell A Mystery | next poem →

ISSUE FOUR: Sell A Mystery

Jesse Nissim
   Entrance and Difference
   There was a bit of dust
      named Alana

Madeline Vardell
   swept up in silver & yellow

   An Imaginarian

Peter J. Greico
   [1401 - 1500]
   [11601 - 11700]
   [16901 - 17000]

KJ Hannah Greenberg
   Initially Thrilled to the Idea
       of Memories

Douglas Luman
   from Star/Formation

Vincent Toro
   MicroGod Schism Song

Rage Hezekiah

Natalya Sukhonos

Laurel Radzieski
   X and Y Axes of Charts
       Made About T's Lover
       (The Incident)

Jonathan Travelstead

Emily Strauss
   White Night Terror

Les Kay
   In the Basement of the Penal
       Colony, Version 2.3,
       Rimbaud Remembers