In Transylvania, Thetis & her
enigmatic paramour radiate
affably after croquet, her cogent
psychologist dutifully quiescent.
Well-fed operatives dote while her cronies
blindfold him with a visor emblazoned
with amethyst. Purposeless oddity,
a leaky tankard—all marmalade &
self-defense, until the debut! Thunderbolts
encircle a convocation of tickling,
sullied for its whitewash of non-existent
rancor & uproarious tarts who patronize
a formulae for sirup & paraffin—
apotheosis hankering to embellish.
Peter J. Greico is a poet, musician, and educator living in Buffalo, NY, his native city. For more information about his "At the Musarium" series of poems which draw on word frequency lists see
Jesse Nissim
Entrance and Difference
There was a bit of dust
named Alana
Madeline Vardell
swept up in silver & yellow
An Imaginarian
Peter J. Greico
[1401 - 1500]
[11601 - 11700]
[16901 - 17000]
KJ Hannah Greenberg
Initially Thrilled to the Idea
of Memories
Douglas Luman
from Star/Formation
Vincent Toro
MicroGod Schism Song
Rage Hezekiah
Natalya Sukhonos
Laurel Radzieski
X and Y Axes of Charts
Made About T's Lover
(The Incident)
Jonathan Travelstead
Emily Strauss
White Night Terror
Les Kay
In the Basement of the Penal
Version 2.3,
Rimbaud Remembers